Improve your chances of landing a Job in Canada

The job market for Canadian immigrants can be intimidating, but there are things you can do to help you land work which is a good fit for you and allows you to build a new life in Canada.

You will need English or French language skills to work almost anywhere in Canada, and some jobs want bilingual candidates. Work on your language skills if you need to and make sure you have the certification and education you need for your job. If you have education or certification outside of Canada, you can get your credentials assessed, which is important if you want potential employers to recognize the career work you have already achieved.

In addition to your Social Insurance Number (SIN), your skills, and your certification, work on your soft skills, too. Keep in mind that company culture can be different in Canada. Observe workplaces around you as a customer and keep in mind how workers speak to customers and to each other. Notice how different professionals dress in the workplace and consider a mentoring program or professional networking group to improve your chances of landing a job and to get information about company cultures.

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